Catherine Faherty teaches Social Stories

Catherine Faherty is a member of Carol Gray’s Team Social Stories. She is one of the very few professionals world-wide authorized by Carol Gray to provide training in Social Stories™ to ensure the integrity of the approach. Catherine Faherty provides Social Stories workshops in the United States and internationally.
Social Story™ Workshops with Catherine Faherty are full of stimulating lectures, discussion, practice writing, and supportive feedback. You will learn what a real Social Story is; explore of the importance of context as it relates to social understanding; and review the relevant differences in cognitive style in ASD. You will learn the three essential steps you must go through in the Social Story process, with the ten updated criteria for developing each Story. You will practice writing Social Stories on-site and receive supportive critique to provide you will the knowledge and confidence to go back to your classroom or clinic and write Social Stories for those you work with and care for.
Besides workshops, Catherine provides individual and group consultation, mentoring, and support for parents and professionals who would like help writing Social Stories.
Catherine Faherty, Social Stories Workshop in Cyprus

Do you have accurate information about Social Stories™?
Here are 15 “True or False” questions to test your understanding about Social Stories™. You are welcome to contact Catherine Faherty for the correct responses to check your accuracy.
- (T) (F) The purpose of Social Stories is to improve the student’s behavior.
- (T) (F) Social Stories must be written from the 1st person perspective (“I”).
- (T) (F) They could be written from the 2nd person perspective (“you”).
- (T) (F) They shouldn’t be written from the 3rd person perspective (“he/she/they”).
- (T) (F) Before writing, first you need to determine which behaviors need changing.
- (T) (F) It’s usually best to write Social Stories, on the spot, sitting together with the child.
- (T) (F) Students must be on the autism spectrum in order to use Social Stories.
- (T) (F) Social Stories are written to show a child the “expected” behavior.
- (T) (F) It is essential to write Social Stories from the perspective of the student’s typical peers.
- (T) (F) Social Stories are best introduced immediately after the target behavior occurs, while responding with the behavior plan (if there is one in place).
- (T) (F) A long-term goal is for students to learn to write their own Social Stories.
- (T) (F) It is often becomes unnecessary to use TEACCH if you use Social Stories.
- (T) (F) Each Social Story is written for general use in a variety of contexts.
- (T) (F) They are meant for elementary age, not for high school, or for adults.
- (T) (F) The goal is for a person to eventually not have to use Social Stories.
*All of the answers are FALSE.
A speech therapist writes…
THANK YOU! I realized how many misconceptions I had about Social Stories! I was very impressed with this workshop. You provided us with information based on research as well as anecdotal evidence from your experiences. Especially helpful was the concrete practice we had…
A teacher writes…
Fabulous! Information I can take back and start using tomorrow!
A mother writes…
Catherine is brilliant, totally gets it, gives useful strategies that are easy to adapt and use, what a sweetheart, so kind and respectful…what a wonderful day it has been!