Asheville, NC

Catherine Faherty’s local work includes:

  • Cooking Group (for autistic adults)
  • Open Heart Meditation (for autistic teens, adults, families)*
  • Happy Stimmy Dancing (for autistic children, teens, adults, families)*
  • Coaching for adults on the spectrum seeking support strengthening self-advocacy.
  • Coaching for non-autistic friends, parents, teachers, spouses; together with their partners on the spectrum to improve mutual communication.
  • Coaching for adults on the spectrum seeking support developing and using organizational strategies.
  • Consultation, mentoring, presentations and
    Catherine Faherty Cooking Group
    Cooking Group preparing dinner

    trainings for regional professionals, school systems, programs, and service providers.


*Catherine Faherty leads Open Heart Meditation and Happy Stimmy Dancing through a local Asheville  organization, Arms Around ASD, a resource center providing support for people on the autism spectrum and their families regardless of age, ability, or income. For more information visit