Catherine coaches’ adults on the spectrum together with their non-autistic communication partners (spouses, siblings, friends, parents) to modify ways of communicating – on both sides – to improve mutual understanding. Catherine Faherty asks us to think of ourselves as “communication partners.” She promotes a subtle but essential fact that the autistic style of communicating is different from – not inferior nor superior to – the widespread, more familiar communication style that most non-autistic teachers, therapists, parents, co-workers, friends, peers, and neighbors expect. Catherine proposes that we make “new agreements” about how to communicate; and consequently, how to interact in a more respectful and authentic manner for all involved. She suggests using a simple “contract for communication” Learn more…
- Catherine coaches’ adults on the spectrum seeking support with communication and self-advocacy in their daily life, at work, in the neighborhood and community.
- Catherine coaches’ adults on the spectrum seeking support developing and using organizational strategies for time management, household organizing, planning, and scheduling.

LOCATION: Coaching by Catherine Faherty is typically available in the Asheville NC, USA area only. May be possible to arrange coaching by Skype or other long-distance technology. Please inquire if interested.