Saturday, November 2 Social Stories™ Symposium Join Carol, Siobhan, Catherine and Aaron for the most collaborative, in-depth, and comprehensive Social Stories training to date.


Catherine Faherty provides consultation locally, nationally, and internationally to: Teachers & school systems Educational programs Recreational programs Families Group homes Summer camps Autism service providers...

“What’s autism-friendly is human-friendly. Humans are a diverse bunch of beings.” C. Faherty

Catherine Faherty’s Range of Topics

Catherine Faherty is a talented, creative, down-to-earth, and effective speaker and trainer. Not only do her audiences leave inspired, but they take away a generous collection of practical, immediately useful ideas. Learn more…

Autism and Neurodiversity

neurodiversity drawing by Jade McWilliams

Nick Walker ( writes that “Autism is a genetically based human neurological variant. The complex set of interrelated characteristics that distinguish autistic neurology from non-autistic neurology is not yet fully understood, read more…

Autism Terminology

Young East Asian person holding a sign with the words “Autistic and Proud”.

You will encouter terms such as “autistic adults”, “children with ASD” etc. For an explanation about autism identifying terminology, read Jim Sinclair’s short essay  Why I dislike person-first language. For a longer discussion, read Lydia X. Z. Brown’s identity-first language and person-first language  posted by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network.

Information for young readers about terminology is featured in the first chapter of Catherine Faherty’s  Autism…What Does It Mean To Me?

A colleague writes…

Catherine has the ability to look at life’s challenges from a unique perspective which often results in new and refreshing solutions.

A mom and dad write…

In addition to being an author, skilled therapist, excellent speaker and trainer, facilitator and meeting coordinator, she possesses passion, love, caring and abiding faith in reaching to achieve the most for every individual life. We feel very fortunate that Catherine was part of our son’s diagnostic team and that she has continued to be of support to us and him.

A teacher writes…

Catherine writes with such sensitivity and respect that one of my students pleaded, “Make my mom read this book then maybe she will know who I am!”…The topics are presented clearly, concisely and with such great examples that it is easy for people unfamiliar with autism to pick up the book and begin to get an understanding…the suggestions are practical and easy to execute…

An autism specialist writes..

Catherine’s early work as a TEACCH teacher often goes unnoticed though it played a major part in shaping the strategies TEACCH continues to build on today.

A school principal writes…

Catherine collaborates with teachers not only from her experience as an autism specialist, but also as a veteran teacher. I heard from many of the teachers that her inservice was the best, ever, that they’ve attended.

An early intervention specialist writes..

Catherine shows sensitivity and understanding of parents’ needs as she listens carefully to their stories. She not only provides parents with strategies and resources to help their child, but also channels parents to think about their own needs.

An woman writes…

Catherine and her books have been vital in helping me to understand myself, as an autistic woman, and live better. She does this not only with her wonderful insights and pragmatic solutions, but by her total embracing of differences. I am always touched by her compassion. Knowing that respects autism, and doesn’t view it as wrong, helps me to accept and respect who I am. She has helped me to form self-knowledge into a foundation for self-advocacy.”